At the Takaye crusade, the lame walk...
Having just opened the new Church building at Takaye in March 2011, the call for evangelism was very clear and strong. Working closely with the team in Kenya for several months we set up 3 outside crusades that were spread over an area of about 60 kilometers. In March 2012 we were finally there, the first of the these outside meetings was in Takaye and it ran for 4 days, in the 3 crusades many received Christ as their saviour, we saw many miracles of healing and deliverence it was amazing, the lame walked, the blind eyes were opened, the mute cried out, God was showing all of us His amazing grace to us all.
Having just opened the new Church building at Takaye in March 2011, the call for evangelism was very clear and strong. Working closely with the team in Kenya for several months we set up 3 outside crusades that were spread over an area of about 60 kilometers. In March 2012 we were finally there, the first of the these outside meetings was in Takaye and it ran for 4 days, in the 3 crusades many received Christ as their saviour, we saw many miracles of healing and deliverence it was amazing, the lame walked, the blind eyes were opened, the mute cried out, God was showing all of us His amazing grace to us all.
Signs and wonders displayed at the Takaye crusade March 2012
At the Msumarini crusade, blind eyes are opened
As we moved south to a village called Msumarini the signs and wonders continued, God opened blind eyes
Worship celebration at the Vipingo crusade ran as a free expression joy for a very long time, and the sick get healed...
At the Vipingo Crusade, God heals the mute child
At the Vipingo Crusade the Power of God touched the place the night before we arrived, as the Shariani band worshipped in Vipingo, there was a woman no one knew about laying very ill in the village. She wanted to come to the crusade, but was to sick to get up, as the band worshipped the Power of God healed that woman in her bed in a moment. No one knew about her, no one prayed for her, but God touched her and she was healed as people worshipped Him the night before we arrived. She later came and gave her testimony. The next night as i prayed for one particular child about 4 years old, she had been born mute, God healed her, and she cried allowed for the first time. Her mother confirmed this was the first sound the child had ever made.
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