MLW provide a fresh water Bore hole in Eldoret
Earlier in the year we sent some emergency food and water aid to Higher Vision Centre in Eldoret Kenya, to assist them in helping many during the national drought conditions. At the time we supplied quantities of Maze and Flour and 6,000 litres of fresh water for drinking. We also sent funding to drill a Bore Hole in Eldoret for the Higher Vision Centre, so a steady supply of clean drinking water was more easily available. Today we are delighted to show this Bore Hole is now completed and fully functional doing its job in bringing clean water to many who need it. Mission Living Waters would like to sincerely thank all of you who made this essential work possible, God bless you…. |
MLW provide fresh water Bore holes
DECEMBER 2017 UPDATE In April this year we reported on the national drought disaster that had hit Kenya, in recent months month’s with your valued help, MLW have been drilling bore holes, it has been a slow process getting the people who are able to carry out the work, but we have succeeded, and today we have established some bore holes in the most needed areas, and we are currently drilling 2 more. Attached are a few pictures of work in progress. We will endeavour to post more updates on this as and when we can get the pictures and Information through. Mission Living Waters wish to sincerely thank all those who so kindly responded to this urgent need for safe water. |
Kenya National drought emergency April 2017
In Kenya the Government declared a national drought emergency, with 23 of 47 counties affected. The number of food insecure people more than doubled – from 1.3 million to 2.7 million. Some 357,285 children and pregnant and lactating mothers are acutely malnourished. Maize production in the coastal areas decreased by 99 per cent compared to the long term average. People have to travel further to access water, for example in Baringo, household walk three times longer than normal.
Note from MLW. We have been kept informed by those we work closely with in Kenya that the situation has become worse as we enter 2017, normally rains have come by late March early April, but at the moment there is still no rain, the hardship is affecting all the country. As a trust we are working in villages in the South near Mombasa also in areas of the Rift Valley.
With your help it is our aim to provide emergency food and water where we can, and drill more bore holes where possible to save lives. Thank you. |