In August I called on a building site where I had a works appointment, I found the contractor I went to see sitting in his site office in pain, he had his socks and shoes off, his feet were red and swollen and he said he couldn't walk properly, he had gout and the pain was severe. Unusually after our discussion I left, but I hadn't prayed for him to be healed, I just left, five minutes after leaving he called me to ask have you prayed for me, I asked him why do you ask. he said as you left I was healed, the swelling left and his skin returned to a normal colour, all the pain stopped. glory to God. For a few days before that meeting I had spent time in Gods presence, when I later walked into a site hut I believe I simply carried His presence with me which affected that man I went to see, where the spirit of the Lord is there is freedom.