Testimony sent from Pastor Rachel of Takaye Church Malindi Kenya May 2013
A young man who is a friend of Cornelius from Takaye Church came to visit one afternoon to explain to me how he met the Lord, he was a muslim and the Lord Jesus Christ appeared to him one evening and asked him to follow and serve him. During that time he was suffering from a very terrible skin sickness; so he asked the Lord, how do I know that it is you Lord Jesus Christ talking to me? The answer was, I will heal your skin problem right now, put some water in a basin, go into the bathroom and say this prayer; "The Spirit of God has anointed this water and changed it into medicine, the moment you begin to wash your body, the terrible skin sickness will go and your skin shall be whole again. The Youngman obeyed and he was completely healed. Now he has been serving the Lord with his friend Cornelius.
No one will call you barren when you trust the God of Israel
This same young man also explained that he was married, for 4 years they had tried to start a family, all these years they have been praying, the church pastor and members have also praying for them, later they decided to see a doctor. The woman’s womb was okay but the problem was with the husband, he was told the chance for him to become a father was negative.
I told him to stay with us for some days, we asked the Lord what we should do, the Spirit of the Lord insisted us to pray for him, we were faithful and one evening we prayed for him; the presence of the Lord was there, we could feel it, later that Youngman told us, while we were praying, something fell upon him, that moment he was taken to another world and began to shout very loud, “thank you Jesus Christ! Thank you my Lord! I thank you so much!
You will not believe me brother, but last year 2012 July the wife became pregnant, and last week she gave birth to baby boy. Glory to God! Hallelujah! Praise the Lord! No one will call you barren when you trust the God of Israel, that is what I told him on that day, when he told me his story.
A young man who is a friend of Cornelius from Takaye Church came to visit one afternoon to explain to me how he met the Lord, he was a muslim and the Lord Jesus Christ appeared to him one evening and asked him to follow and serve him. During that time he was suffering from a very terrible skin sickness; so he asked the Lord, how do I know that it is you Lord Jesus Christ talking to me? The answer was, I will heal your skin problem right now, put some water in a basin, go into the bathroom and say this prayer; "The Spirit of God has anointed this water and changed it into medicine, the moment you begin to wash your body, the terrible skin sickness will go and your skin shall be whole again. The Youngman obeyed and he was completely healed. Now he has been serving the Lord with his friend Cornelius.
No one will call you barren when you trust the God of Israel
This same young man also explained that he was married, for 4 years they had tried to start a family, all these years they have been praying, the church pastor and members have also praying for them, later they decided to see a doctor. The woman’s womb was okay but the problem was with the husband, he was told the chance for him to become a father was negative.
I told him to stay with us for some days, we asked the Lord what we should do, the Spirit of the Lord insisted us to pray for him, we were faithful and one evening we prayed for him; the presence of the Lord was there, we could feel it, later that Youngman told us, while we were praying, something fell upon him, that moment he was taken to another world and began to shout very loud, “thank you Jesus Christ! Thank you my Lord! I thank you so much!
You will not believe me brother, but last year 2012 July the wife became pregnant, and last week she gave birth to baby boy. Glory to God! Hallelujah! Praise the Lord! No one will call you barren when you trust the God of Israel, that is what I told him on that day, when he told me his story.